Then there were Four.
For decades, CES has believed that “Education is the Key” and is proud to announce a 4th way to train managers and staff, while helping get valuable continuing education credits (CEUs) toward renewing your Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation (DBPR) license. It’s called Live Remote Learning. We even re-tooled our entire website section to help you schedule, register, and get a big discount on the classes. We plan to offer each class several times a month, and will be posting a schedule on the web site shortly. The first classes are scheduled for June 9-11.
What is Live Remote Learning? Simply put it is a series of personalized instructor-led live video classes on timely topics like:
- Proper DOH Code Review and Best Practice Pool Operation Tips: Guerilla Professional Pool Management (DBPR# 9630184)
- Making your own chlorine (even from recycled pool water): Saline/Mineral Pools (DBPR# 9630185)
- Modernizing your equipment room with self-funding upgrades: Proven Green Technologies (DBPR# 9630183)
- Complete Pool Operator Certification: Aquatic Facility Operators Course (Coming Soon): (DBPR# CAM 0002696 CILB 0009461)
So if that is the 4th, what are the other 3? Let’s review:
Traditional Face-to-Face Seminars: Provided to a group at your facility or a centralized location (All Social Distancing requirements applied)
- These have been a popular mainstay at CES since the 1980s and are led by experienced CES Pool Manager/AFO instructors with an average of 20 years of in-field experience.
- The (5) current classes are detailed here, and CES is proud to be an industry-leading educator in the US.
Virtual On-Demand Learning:
Provided on the Modern CESU portal, and based on your schedule. You get what you want, when you want it, and combines interesting video with modern learning tools. CES’s in-house staff of licensed educators have designed this series to be interesting, fun, and educational.
- There are two current classes detailed here. Stay tuned for many more to come.
- The CESU portal guides your educational process and even stores your classes for future reference.
Hands On – On Site Training:
A fan favorite for decades. The CES staff will come to your facility and train your team on all aspects of pool operation, from Code Compliance, Safety, Daily Operation, Simple Maintenance and more. Our team has nearly 700 years of combined leading edge experience in design, installation, and long term maintenance of all technologies, but we rely on simple instructions, examples, analogies, and helpful hints to help make learning easy and fun. Schedule Here.
The Pandemic has surely altered the way we all have to live our lives and conduct business, but code compliance and the safety and well-being of the patrons are two things that cannot be compromised. The entire CES team stands ready to assist with your training and education needs…. as Education IS the Key to trouble-free pool operation.
Stay Safe.