Many pools have been shut down since early March, and some are idling while others are operating at full speed. Both are acceptable protocols per the Department of Health (DOH). Fortunately, due to the DOH guidelines, very few are using the “green water mosquito pool” approach to pool water care, and they may be in for a big surprise when they try to get their pools up and running again.
For others, this is a perfect time to catch up on needed pool repairs and renovations. That just could not happen with 365-day, near 100% occupancy.
What about the blimp-looking filter at the end of the crane? This forward-thinking condominium found a perfect opportunity to upgrade their filters to the latest CES technology, INCLUDING the AFM® Glass Filter media that is going to save them thousands of gallons of water annually, while providing 1.5-minute backwash and drinking water-grade filtration.
But Why Now? Here’s feedback from several customers whom we asked:
- Pools are closed to customers: Just like roadwork, pool renovations are quicker and easier when fewer customers are disappointed with closings.
- Calm before the storm: Customers are anticipating that all heck is going to break loose once we continue the path to normalcy, and won’t have time to handle any improvements until next year.
- Contractors are more available: Until recently, everyone was so busy, it was more difficult to get bids or a quick start date for projects.
- Installation prices have been good: Customers also noted they feel that they’re getting better pricing from contractors than when everyone was lights out busy.
- Equipment lead times have been better: Most manufacturers have been more responsive with equipment lead times, but there are a few that are having supply issues. We can help you navigate this.
- Equipment lead times may get a lot worst real soon: We are expecting much longer lead times as factories crank back up and have to re-hire displaced workers and get their supply chains and inventories back up to par.
- Save some money: It may seem counter intuitive…. but when funds are low, it is a great time to implement upgrades that save time, labor, chemicals, and maintenance. Many modernizations are self-funding and save more than they cost from month one.
These include:
- Updated chemistry control systems that don’t require 7-day DOH testing,
- Remote control and communications that help streamline operations,
- Making your own chlorine from saline or NexGEN systems,
- More efficient pumping systems that commonly operate at 12.5% to 50% of normal power.
So, now appears to be a good time for some renovations, and some maintenance as well per our customers.
Please let us know if we can provide any additional information or assist you in any way. Also let us know if you would like to schedule a free audit to help identify any self-funding upgrades that might make sense at this time.
Stay Safe.