The Fort Lauderdale Hall of Fame Pool, known as the Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Complex (FLAC) has a rich 57-year history, starting in 1965 with the grand opening featuring Johnny Weissmuller (5-time olympic gold medalist and original Tarzan), Buster Crabbe (Olympic Champion and the original Flash Gordon), and Esther Williams (competitive swimmer and actress).
Over the years, it has hosted an average of over 50 main swimming events a year including US National Swimming Championships, YMCA National Swimming and Diving Championships, US Masters National Swimming Championships, NCAA National Water Polo Championships, and National and International Synchronized Swimming Competitions. Over 10 world records have been set there, and quite a few FLAC swimmers have qualified for and won major Olympic medals.
It is the home of US National Teams, the Fort Lauderdale Dive Team, and Swim Fort Lauderdale, among others. It is also the training site for many national and international swim teams.
After years of somewhat lively discussion, the FLAC began a major renovation in April, which includes new pools and completely renovated locker rooms. Industry leaders, Weller Pools of Orlando, is building the pools, and CES is honored to be supplying and providing continual service for a significant amount of the equipment including pumps, filters, controls and more. Our involvement with the FLAC began in 1983, and we have been proud to be of assistance to them over the many decades.
One of the main features of the new mechanical systems is the (3) NexGEN 100 systems, which when seamlessly controlled by the new CES BECSys7packages, will produce over 360 lbs of chlorine a day. This a good thing, as the site has some pretty significant challenges taking deliveries from traditional chlorine tankers. Over the span of a typical year, these systems will produce over 131,000 gallons of bleach a year, which is equivalent to over 25 tankers of chlorine. The 3 machines will be able to share chlorine in the event that one is undergoing a huge demand of bathers, weather, or both. There is also a redundant CES Precision tablet feed system, also controlled by the CES control system, which is seamlessly integrated into the feed package in the event that ALL pools are undergoing unprecedented bather loads or weather conditions.
The NexGEN skid mounted units actually make chlorine out of recycled pool water, using simple solar dried salt and a minor amount of electricity. They are completely self-contained and reuse any salt that is introduced into the pool water, thus further lowering the treatment costs. They help maintain a lower salinity level in the pool than any traditional bleach system, which is optimum for the stainless steel gutter system.
The pools will be filled, and in operation in the coming months. Stand by for our announcement of the grand opening.
Please join us in congratulating the FLAC in continuing their leadership position in the aquatic world dating back to the glorious days of Tarzan, and for investing in building a state-of-the-art, green and sustainable facility that uses a minimum of power, water, and chlorine. Please let us know if you would like any information of how these technologies might work for you.
We can’t wait to take it for a test drive.