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Preventive Maintenance

Summer season requires peak performance, but what is new?

By April 11th, 2019No Comments

Memorial Day weekend will soon be here, and with it comes months of hard work and long pool days. However, there are quite a few things that really should be done NOW, and not be postponed until the last minute. Here is a quick checklist for your use, including a 75% off discount code below.

Adapt to different rules?

The CDC guidelines for fecal accidents are for real and require action on your part.  Why?  They are REALLY DIFFERENT.  While many pools operate with Stabilizer levels from 20-30 PPM and above, the CDC guidelines require that you close the pool, drain the pool water if your stabilizer is above 15 PPM, AND THEN treat the pool.  Do you really want to stop everything, drain the pool, and then shock the pool?  You’ll lose a lot of time and maybe breed some unhappy customers.


  • Maintain 15 PPM or below as a new stabilizer target, so that your Fecal Shock treatments will be quicker, and you’ll be back in action sooner.


  • Holding 15 PPM or less requires a better test kit, and one that reads accurately down to this lower level. We recommend the SpinDisc as it is quick, and reliable. Ask your CES rep for a free demonstration.
  • Need to change internal procedures for your staff? If you’re used to holding higher stabilizer levels, what do we need to do to help you change your procedures?
  • You also will be using a bit more chlorine than usual, so we will also need to adjust your budget a bit. However, your ORP will be elevated with a lower stabilizer level, so you shouldn’t need to hold any higher than 2.0 PPM of Free Chlorine to achieve 725-750 mV or ORP. Ask us for assistance.

Time for a Check-up?

Summer is tough on controls and chemical feeders. It’s not too late to arrange for a quick tune-up of your facility before all heck breaks loose.


  • Contact us for a 50-point site assessment and a tune up. You’ll be glad you did.


  • Site assessments cost money. However, many say that they save more than they cost by helping tune up the facility to operate cheaper and better.

    Time to train new staff?

    Many facilities hire seasonal staff and sometimes they     end up running the show, but they lack the experience     and the knowledge. Now is a great time to organize     last minute training.


  • Train all uncertified staff at one of our upcoming AFO courses. Check the class schedule.
  • Sign them up for our DOH-Approved Aquatech online pool operator course. They can study tonight and become better operators tomorrow. 
  • Take the CES online ORP course. Learn about the science behind your chemistry system. Sign up at CES U and save 75% by using the CESORP75 code at check out.

    We are here to assist with ANY of your last minute     preparations, and look forward to helping you enjoy a     smooth and event-free summer season. 

    You are not alone, please contact your CES rep and let     us know how we can help.

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