It’s that time again, as we all toe the line between navigating the holiday schedules, dealing with office and supplier closures, and winding down our staff’s holiday schedule… all while customers and their families want to use the pools. It’s always a tough balancing act, but we’ll make it.
Here are a few tips for navigating the season with as little drama as possible:
Last Chance for Heater PM: If you haven’t already, now is a good time, albeit a bit late, to make sure that your heater is not going to fail you during the Xmas break. It seems like these heaters have a sense of when you can LEAST afford a closure, and voila.. they break. Contact our tech team to schedule PM services.
Supplier Stock and Schedules: Many factories love to lower their inventories at year end, which is contra to what we’re looking for. To compensate, our inventories go up during this time, but we can’t always be assured of having all the parts. Please think ahead to any needs, and let us know as soon as you can, so that we can provide the best possible service.
Stabilizer Levels: Normally this is the dry season, but this year has been an anomaly. It’s a great time to check stabilizer levels and assure that you are maintaining a “moderate level” to keep chlorine consumption at bay. Please remember that any stabilizer level over 15 PPM will require you to partially drain the pool before treating for an AFR (Accidental Fecal Release) per the CDC guidelines, and that level will help cut chlorine consumption dramatically. For those who don’t like to add stabilizer, we now have a great alternative in ACO, a liquid additive that mimics a 30 PPM stabilizer dose per the factory research, and will help cut chlorine consumption by 50% or more.
Pool Testing: While some people vacation during the holidays, the Health Department inspections seem to go on. Please remember that there are new requirements for test kits to be NSF®-rated to Level1 accuracy in order to comply with current codes. We have several test kits that comply, and can help you monitor and maintain your pool as efficiently as possible.
Remote Control: Customers tell us that there is no better time of the year to enjoy remote monitoring and control. It helps them keep track of the pool, while working with flexible staffing schedules…all the while maintaining impeccable pool water quality during the holiday season. If your control system was installed after 2006, your system can be set up for communications, and our affordable monitoring programs make it simple to stay in touch. Contact your CES rep for more information.
We hope that you have a happy and healthy holiday break, and please let us know what we can do to assist you.
Thanks again for your loyalty in 2023, and we look forward to continue to partner with you.